The Best Time to Travel To Halong Bay
The salinity is from 31 to 34.5MT in dry season and lower in rainy season. It is possible to visit Halong Bay Vietnam year-round, with the best time to visit from October through April, although during the winter months of December, January and February, the weather can be cool and overcast with low visibility. During the summer months from May to September, temperatures rise and storms are more likely during the rainy season.
Halong Bay weather in 12 months:
March + April + May: Temperature: ~ 20°F-22°F; Some day have light rain; Clear with blue sky
June + July + Aug: Temperature: ~ 26°F-28°F with strong Sun; Carefully with Typhoon; Some day have trong rain but quick
Sept + Oct + Nov: Best time to enjoy Halong bay with cool temperature: ~ 26°F-28°F
Dec + Jan + Feb: Temperature: 18°F~20°F; Cold with strong wind; Some day is misty and rainy